Kamis, Mei 29, 2008

Kill Virus KSPOOLD

Buat File BAT dengan menggunakan Notepad serta berilah namanya sesuai keinganan anda (mis. kspoold_killer.bat) dan simpan kedalam ext bat.

Copy pastekan command dibawah ini kedalam file tsb. Jangan lupa untuk menyimpannya balik.

echo off
REM — ubah warnacolor a
REM — ubah judultitle KSPOOLD KILLER * by M. Husni Adil
REM — masuk ke
direktori sistem%SYSTEMDRIVE%cd %SYSTEMROOT%\system32
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~echo KSPOOLD KILLER * by M. Husni
Adilecho ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~echo After you press any
keys on your keyboard, I doecho - removing related registryecho - stopping
kspoold processecho - deleting kspoold file in the system directoryecho
echo.REM —
hapus registry yang dibuat sebagai service virusreg delete
“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\kspooldaemon” /freg delete
“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Services\kspooldaemon” /freg delete
“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\kspooldaemon” /f
hentikan proses virustaskkill /IM kspoold.exe /F /T
REM — set atribut file
virus menjadi normalattrib -s -h -r kspoold.exe
REM — hapus file virusdel
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~echo
KSPOOLD KILLER * by M. Husni Adilecho
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~echo After you press any keys on
your keyboard, I doecho - removing related registryecho - stopping kspoold
processecho - deleting kspoold file in the system directoryecho
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~echo.echo Press any key to
continue . . .echo.
echo Well done - The “kspoold” was completely

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